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Guide on Hair Transplantation by Aliva Aesthetics

Guide to hair transplantation from the best hair transplantation hospital in Vijayawada after the age of 50 years

Older men facing hair loss issues can now be confident that age will be a barrier to getting a hair transplantation done. Instead, men who are 50 years old and older can expect excellent results from first-time hair transplantation. You must contact the hair transplantation done from the Best Hair transplantation hospital in Vijayawada.

Right Time for Hair Transplantation from the Best Hair transplantation clinic in Vijayawada

  • Men’s hair loss can occur between the teenage years to the 40s and 50s. Early treatment can be highly beneficial when men start experiencing hair loss. A hair restoration expert from the Best Hair transplantation hospital in Vijayawada can help you maintain an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Some men admit that their baldness is a natural occurrence and do not opt for any treatment. But it is important to understand here that baldness that occurs later in life, or hair loss that changes an individual’s life, might deserve hair transplantation even after age 50. 

For example, in this modern society that we live in, it is widespread for a man to change his career, even at age 50 or older. We live in a society that emphasizes us looking younger. Therefore, a man may naturally be encouraged to keep his appearance youthful. Some men may think they want to prevent the appearance of a balding man. Whatever the reason, the hair restoration process can benefit you greatly.

Key Considerations for Men Aged 50 and Above Before Opting for Hair Transplantation

  • However, it is important for all men aged 50 years and above who want hair transplantation. Discuss some important points with the hair restoration specialist before they decide to undertake the procedure. 
  • In an ideal scenario, hair transplants should be able to fix hair loss problems according to age. Unfortunately, the hair restoration goals of most older men are modest. These men might not want to have full, thick hair like a young man. However, they would like to improve their aesthetic appearance by covering their baldness. Therefore, it is important to discuss the possible outcomes of hair restoration goals frankly, and the surgeon and the patient should agree.
  • The quantity of hair in the donor area plays a crucial role in determining hair transplantation results. Suppose there is less donor hair; that means there is a lower number of hair grafts available for transplantation. In some cases of hair transplantation in older men, the transplantation is only possible once. It happens if progressive hair loss is continuously damaged in the area that supplies the donor’s hair. 
  • However, the patient can trust the outcome of a hair transplant to achieve their desired look, even if it is just a one-time process. Hair transplant experts may advise avoiding hair transplantation if there is a shortage of available donor hair. If the doctor says you might not get the desired result from hair transplantation. Respect his suggestion and go for another alternative, like wearing wigs.

Physical Restrictions in 50+ Men

Some men aged 50 or older might suffer from chronic health problems. It is important to consider these before any surgical procedure, like hair transplant surgery. If you ignore such conditions, there is a higher risk of complications. 

People with health problems like heart disease, kidney failure, liver failure, diabetes, etc. might also not be suitable candidates for hair transplant surgery. For this reason, before the surgery, an experienced hair restoration expert evaluates your present health status. Even consult other experts if required to ensure the surgery is safe. You can also opt for an Advanced Hair Transplantation clinic in Vijayawada.

Things that you need to consider if you are above 50 years

You need to consider the number of donor grafts available because this will define the result one can achieve with the available grafts. The procedure might be the only one due to limited graft availability. The doctor might only advise a hair transplant if the donor’s availability is so low that the procedure can provide any benefit.

It is also a good idea to opt for the age-appropriate procedure rather than trying to achieve a fuller look for the young twenties age group. Therefore, while designing the hairline, the patient’s age should be kept in mind. One should not go for a lower hairline

When just limited grafts are available, one should go for hairline and frontal restoration with grafts placed strategically to provide a better cosmetic and fuller look with the available grafts.

A person who is 50 years or above might have some medical problems like hypertension, any heart-related problem or diabetes, or any other chronic medical problem. For which the person may be taking some medicines for a long time. Therefore, the patient needs to tell the doctor about the medical history and the medicines he is taking. 

Suppose the patient has hypertension or some cardiac issues. In that case, it is also essential for him to ask the doctor about the blood thinner medicines and get a cardiologist’s opinion regarding the same. Therefore, an individual needs to be careful and, if necessary. Take the opinion of a medical physician for diabetes, chronic liver or kidney problems, or any necessary problem before the procedure.

Outcome a 50 + man can expect from Hair Transplantation

Physician hair restoration specialists mostly find older men have realistic expectations about hair transplantation results. A man who is 55 or older will rarely expect to reverse the effects of hair loss completely. In most cases, hair restoration that relieves the cosmetic impairment of baldness is considered quite satisfactory.

The older man with lesser hair loss might want to achieve hair transplantation results similar to those that younger men would want to achieve. Whether the goal is achievable or not, discussing it with the physician is important. 

The hair restoration specialist will examine your scalp and do the necessary tests. Based on the degree of hair loss, the amount and quality of the donor’s hair, and anticipated future hair loss will be able to tell you the results that you can achieve from the procedure. Getting an Advanced Hair Transplantation Hospital in Vijayawada may be beneficial in several cases.

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