Aliva Aesthetics Clinic provides the best Unwanted Hair Removal Treatment in Vijayawada. Unwanted hair can be a common concern for many, but there are various effective methods for removal. Let us discuss about these-

How Fast Does Hair Grow?

Unwanted hair is a condition in women that often leads to excessive growth of hair on the face, back, and chest. This medical condition is called Hirsutism. It occurs when the androgen levels in the body are high and there are certain options for permanent hair removal.  If you are planning to get a treatment visit our clinic for the best unwanted hair removal treatment in Vijayawada, contact the experts at Aliva Aesthetics and experience the best cosmetology treatments with us. 

Generally, body hair grows to its full length in a period of 1 month. However, a few research findings have revealed that male hair tends to grow faster than females. A fun fact about your hair is that the hair on your head can grow to 6 inches in a year. The growth of hair totally depends on certain factors like intake of nutrition, medications, and genetics as well. As you grow older, the development of your hair slows down. 

Hair growth starts from within the hair follicle and depends on blood in the body. The oil glands in your body play the role of keeping your hair in a healthy condition. 

At Aliva Aesthetics, a prominent face for cosmetology in Hyderabad. We offer various treatments for permanent unwanted hair removal treatment in Vijayawada at affordable costs. The experienced staff and modern technology enable the clinic to become patient-friendly and offer services as per your requirements. 

laser hair removal treatment in vijayawada

Treatment Option For Unwanted Hair Removal

There are many treatment options available to get rid of unwanted hair from your face and body. The following options are available:

1.You can try shaving to get rid of hair on the surface. If you attempt shaving, you should be aware of its after-effects. Shaving your hair from the body results in quick regrowth as it does not eliminate the hair from the deep roots of your body.

When you shave, the razor slices the hair on the surface of your skin, removing the unwanted hair. However, you can shave any part of your body as it is a painless process unless you manage it safely. The result of shaving is short and you may feel the need to shave every 3 to 4 days. You must know that shaving can irritate your skin easily and you can experience cuts, nicks, razor burn.

2.Tweezing is another option for removing your hair from the root. The process of unwanted hair removal can be carried out with the help of tweezing. As compared to shaving, tweezing will regrow your hair slowly.

3.Electrolysis is another option for permanent hair removal. If you are looking for a long-term solution, then you must consider electrolysis as an option. 

In electrolysis, a certified Cosmetologist uses shortwave radio frequencies distributed through fine needles inserted directly into your hair follicles to remove unwanted hair. This process destroys the hair follicle from the inside, preventing new hair growth. Aliva Aesthetics offers this service.


Benefits of Electrolysis:

  • It can permanently act as a solution to unwanted hair removal. It does not require any maintenance after treatment. 
  • It is beneficial for all hair and skin types including removal of light-colored hair. 
  • As soon as you complete your treatment, you can get back to work.
  • Improper handling of the machine can cause scarring and burns.
  • People with dark skin tones can develop a scar as keloid. 
  • You will feel a tingling sensation for some time and can cause discomfort for a few hours. 
  • It requires multiple sessions for permanent unwanted hair removal. 
unwanted hair removal treatment in vijayawada

Laser Therapy for Unwanted Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a process of damaging the hair follicles with high-heat lasers so that it stops the growth of new hair. It is also a long-term hair removal solution and targets the hair follicles only. This process can be performed over any part of the body except the eye area. It works best for people with light skin tones who have dark hair. A laser hair removal session requires multiple sessions and can help in the removal of unwanted hair in about 8 to 12 weeks. 

The process of laser hair removal involves emitting laser lights into your hair. It destroys the hair follicle and stops the growth of hair from the deep roots. It would take about 6-8 sessions to destroy the hair follicles with a gap of 1 week. Through this treatment, the after-growth of hair looks thinner and finer.

laser hair removal machine

A few facts about laser therapy are:

  • After 5 or more treatments, laser hair removal acts as a permanent solution for your unwanted hair removal. 
  • Except for the face of a female, laser therapy can give permanent results. 
  • It is a safe process for all skin tones and requires no downtime after each treatment. 
  • To avoid any side effects, stop exposing yourself to the sun.
  • An experienced professional must perform it to avoid any negative side effects on your body.
  • This therapy is not suitable for people with blonde, red, white, and gray hair because lasers cannot target light-colored hair. 
  • Avoid shaving your body before the treatment to help in proper treatment. 
  • You must wait for the tan to completely fade away before the treatment. 
  • If not performed properly, the treatment can cause your skin to develop blisters, infections, or dark spots.
  • Experience laser therapy at Aliva Aesthetics. The certified Cosmetologists and skin care specialists at the facial hair removal clinic are there to provide you with the guidance you need and you can rely on.

  1. Waxing

Waxing is another option to quickly remove your unwanted hair. It is a method of applying hot or cold wax onto your skin and quickly pulling it off to remove the unwanted hair. The result of waxing can last for quite some time. Waxing can help in removing unwanted hair from each part of your body including delicate areas like upper lips and eyebrows as well.

However, waxing can be a painful process and can leave your skin red or make you feel irritated for some time, after the waxing. If you apply extremely hot wax on your skin, you can burn your skin and experience redness and scarring as well. Waxing is not recommended if you are consuming isotretinoin to treat your acne.

  1. Prescription creams

If you don’t want to get into the process of permanent hair removal, you can use prescription creams as per the advice of your Cosmetologist. Prescribed creams can be applied twice a day for 1 month consistently, in order to reduce the production of enzymes that can stimulate the growth of your hair.

This process might take up to 8 weeks to give proper results. A cream that works for unwanted facial hair removal can give proper results if it acts as a suitable option for your skin. However, you might feel some sort of burning sensation or acne breakouts in the beginning.

  1. Chemical Depilation

This treatment known as chemical depilation works as a gel or cream on your skin. This weakens the protein in the hair called keratin and causes the hair to fall out. Through this process, the hair can be easily wiped away but it does not target the hair follicle. The result of hair removal through this process will last for not more than 2 weeks. This is an inexpensive option that you can use at home to remove hair temporarily. It is always a good idea to do a patch test on a small part of your skin before using the chemical depilation on a large area of the body.

Other natural solutions for unwanted hair removal can limit the growth of your hair but may not permanently cause it to stop. Some options include:

  • Sugar wax and scrubbing on the body
  • Applying honey instead of wax
  • Drinking Spearmint tea to limit the growth of facial hair
  1. Depilatory

It is an option to remove unwanted hair by applying a cream, lotion, or gel on the skin. This results in the removal of unwanted hair which results in better shaving. It is a quick and easy process, where you have to simply apply, wait for a few minutes, and rinse it off as per the instructions provided. This should be used only if your Cosmetologist advises you to use it. These products can irritate your skin so it is good to do a patch test before applying it on the affected area. The odor of this product might not be welcoming but can give you results for a longer period of time. You might experience a burning or tingling sensation in the beginning. If you experience such a thing, then you should consult your Cosmetologist within 24 hours to avoid any skin reactions.

  1. Threading

Lastly, another option is threading, where the beautician rolls twisted cotton threads between your unwanted hair to rip them out from the root. This is a suitable option for removing unwanted hair on your eyebrows. The result of threading can last up to 4 to 5 weeks and later slow down your growth. It may cause a little irritation on sensitive or acne-prone skin.

When to See a Doctor or Skincare Specialist

If you experience continuous hair growth despite trying effective methods of unwanted hair removal treatment in Vijayawada, then you must consult your doctor. This can happen due to various causes such as:

  • PCOS- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a condition that starts with puberty and causes an imbalance in the sex hormones. This results in excess hair growth, irregular periods, infertility, obesity, and multiple cysts on ovaries. 
  • Cushing Syndrome- In Cushing’s Syndrome, the body experiences exposure to high levels of the hormone cortisol, which is produced in excessive amounts by the adrenal glands, leading to side effects like excessive hair growth.
  • Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia- This medical condition occurs due to abnormal production of steroid hormones like cortisol and androgen in the adrenal glands, causing excessive hair growth on different parts of the body. 
  • Tumors- An androgen-secreting tumor in the ovaries or adrenal glands causes hirsutism or hairiness in males and females.
  • Medications- Consuming medication including minoxidil, danazol, androgel, and DHEA can affect your hair growth. 

However, there are certain possible ways to remove your hair and you must consult a Cosmetologist to avoid such medical conditions and excessive hair growth. 

unwanted hair removal treatment in Vijayawada

How long does it Take for the Hair to Grow back?

Every individual has a different growth pattern of hair and it grows through 4 stages. The stages are:

  1. Anagen- This is the primary stage where the actual hair growth occurs from the hair follicles.
  2. Catagen- The next stage after Anagen is the transitional phase, commonly known as Catagen.
  3. Telogen- After fully growing, the hair enters a resting phase during which it rests on the surface of the skin.
  4. Exogen- The last stage of hair growth, where the shedding of hair begins due to any medical condition or excessive hair growth. 

When the hair is going through the growing phase, this is when an individual seeks multiple treatments like laser hair removal, electrolysis, and other methods of permanent unwanted hair removal. 

Regrowth of Hair in the Body

When you are in the middle of getting a laser treatment. You will be able to see hair regrowth but once you complete the treatment, you may not see regrowth for many years. Over time, people have started knowing the benefits of getting laser hair removal treatment to remove unwanted hair on the body. It is a long-lasting procedure that provides speedy results and a permanent solution for the removal of unwanted hair. 

Self-care for  Unwanted Hair Removal

There are many things that you can do to look after yourself. In the cases where you have excessive hair growth and you want to seek help. Here are a few self-help care tips that you can follow to control excessive hair growth:

  1. If you have gained weight or going through depression and fatigue and you notice that your medication is causing some side effects. You must consult a Cosmetologist to seek solutions and the doctor will prescribe a different medication for stopping the hair growth. 
  2. Few medical treatments might not remove unwanted hair from the surface of your skin so it is preferable to use a cosmetic method like waxing, laser treatment, or electrolysis.
  3. Many doctors and medical healthcare professionals suggest trying a prescription cream to inhibit hair growth, and you must apply it regularly to see a visible difference within a span of two months. It is advisable to do a patch test before applying it to the whole body. 
  4. If you are suffering from PCOS, losing weight might help in reducing the amount of androgens your body can produce and this will reduce the excessive hair growth. 
  5. During treatment, patience is important. It may take up to a year for noticeable results and sometimes, four years to achieve maximum results. 

How can a Cosmetologist Help with Unwanted Hair Removal?

If you are looking for a treatment for the removal of unwanted hair. You must consider cosmetic surgeons at Aliva Aesthetics for laser treatment.

The expertise and guidance provided by board-certified Cosmetologists can be of real help to you to make an informed decision. Their unwavering support in explaining the whole procedure and recommending what is the right option for you will give you clarity. A Cosmetologist can help you by providing the best and most reasonable services to you. 

It is completely normal to have body hair and removal of unwanted hair from the body is just an option. So, before planning to get a permanent solution for removing unwanted hair from your body, think about it and know its pros and cons before investing in such a costly procedure. However, laser treatment is a good and permanent option for the removal of unwanted hair. These treatments do not claim to remove 100% body hair but offer ways to limit hair regrowth for long periods of time. So it is advisable to seek a doctor’s recommendation before planning to invest in these treatments. 

The bottom line is that you should love your body. Prepare yourself mentally and physically before investing in these long procedures of hair removal treatments. Stop your search and just visit Aliva Aesthetics and get yourself immersed in the best treatments related to unwanted hair removal. With the experience of many years, the medical professionals will help you and provide you with services according to your requirements.

unwanted hair removal treatment in Vijayawada

Why Choose Aliva Aesthetics for Unwanted Hair removal treatment in vijayawada?

Aliva Aesthetics is a high-end clinic for Cosmetology, facial hair removal, and unwanted hair removal treatment in Vijayawada. We offer a wide range of solutions for the removal of unwanted hair from your body. The clinic is located in the heart of  Vijayawada and has a team of well-qualified and experienced professionals. We provide premium quality services related to skin, hair, and nails. Our professionals have the ability to pay attention to each and every requirement of the client. 

The wide range of services for treating removal of unwanted hair includes laser treatments, electrolysis, and other permanent hair removal methods. We focus on enhancing the beauty of an individual.

With the aim to use modern and innovative solutions, we adhere to all standard and individual precautions and have proper support from other qualified personnel before, during, and after performing a treatment. The treatments are available for common people as well, because of the affordable rates at which they are available. We not only provide treatments but also offer guidance and support to the client before asking them to invest in these procedures. 

More From Aliva Aesthetics

Aliva Aesthetics offers anti-aging and anti-wrinkle treatments. Apart from this, we also specialize in acne treatment, skin rejuvenation treatment, hair loss treatment, and many other treatments. Our skilled expertise focuses on building long-term relationships with our clients by providing compassionate, advanced, perfectly curated, personalized and consistent services to them. 

During our journey, our expert Cosmetologists have treated more than 15000 clients. Our services are available to people from all over the world. The experts at Aliva Aesthetics believe in transforming your skin into a better and fresher version of yourself. So, if you are looking for the best Cosmetologist who can help you in treating the removal of unwanted hair, visit Aliva Aesthetics today.

Book an appointment with the team online and book your date to visit us. We are your one-stop solution in offering every service related to the removal of unwanted body hair. With our unwavering support, assistance, and services, you can now be rest assured.

Welcome to Aliva Aesthetic and get the best experience of your life.