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A Comprehensive Guide to Chemical Peel Treatment

The term “chemical peel” is likely to have come up in conversation between you and your cosmetologist if you’ve ever enquired about fixing sun damage or wrinkles. You may have even overheard some of your friends bragging about the outcomes. Do you have any doubts about the procedure? If you have questions or concerns regarding the Best chemical peel treatment in Vijayawada and want some clarification, you have come to the correct spot. Your concerns regarding the Best chemical peel for acne clinic in Vijayawada may finally be resolved.

Best chemical peel treatment in Hyderabad

An in-office cosmetologist administers a chemical peel, a treatment that enhances your skin’s natural beauty by applying a chemical solution to your skin, which causes the outer layer to peel off. Resulting in smoother, younger skin underneath. This skin often seems healthier, younger, and more beautiful than the old skin. You can perform peels on the hands, neck, and face.

Conditions treated by Chemical peel

Wrinkles, discolouration, and scarring, especially on the face, are all targets for chemical peels. It is also recommended for following skin problems.

  • Moderate to severe acne.
  • Subtle scarring.
  • Brown spots, red spots, freckles, blotchy skin, and other forms of pigmentation.
  • Scaly, rough, and unattractive skin.
  • Dark spots (Melasma)

Three basic types of chemical peels

Your cosmetologist at Best Chemical Peel for Acne Clinic in Vijayawada will choose one of three different types of chemical peel based on the problems you want to fix:

1. Superficial Chemical Peel

People use these peels to address mild acne or uneven skin tone or enhance skin radiance. Typically, they utilize mild acids such as glycolic or salicylic acid. We commonly refer to a superficial peel as a “lunchtime peel.” Cosmetologists recommend undergoing a light peel every two to five weeks.

2. Medium peel.

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is utilized in conjunction with other chemicals to exfoliate the middle layers of the skin. This treatment is effective in addressing various skin concerns such as age spots, wrinkles, fine lines, freckles, and skin discoloration. It may be necessary to repeat the procedure in order to attain or sustain the intended outcome.

3. Deep Peel

This procedure involves the application of a combination of TCA, phenol, and other chemicals to effectively penetrate the middle layers of the skin. Deep chemical peels can significantly improve the condition and appearance of the skin. Deep peels are a viable treatment option for scars, freckles, and age spots. The full effect can be achieved without the need for repetitive procedures.

What to Anticipate Before, During, and After the Procedure?


  • Before getting a chemical peel, you should see a cosmetologist. If you’ve ever taken isotretinoin for acne, have atypical skin pigmentation, or are prone to frequent cold sores, your doctor may advise against it.
  • If you normally use retinol or retinoids, cease using those 48 hours before the operation and avoid waxing, scrubbing, bleaching, and massages for the week leading up to it.


  • A medical professional will wash your face and protect your hair and eyes.
  • Your doctor may prescribe a sedative before a medium peel. A deep peel will be performed with some local anesthetic. For a mild peel, you won’t require pain relievers.
  • After applying a peeling solution to the region for the designated period of time, the medical professional will apply a neutralizing solution.
  • While performing the treatment, you may experience a burning sensation for 5-10 minutes. The medical professional will use a combination of ice and medicine to ease the discomfort.


  • Sun damage is more likely to occur after a chemical peel. Using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher is essential for skin protection. Avoid being outside in the sun for long periods.
  • For 3-7 days after treatment, you may experience redness and scaling.


It may come as a surprise to learn that chemical peels offer benefits beyond mere skin exfoliation.  In addition to exfoliating dead skin cells, chemical peels can diminish the appearance of fine lines around the eyes and mouth and address wrinkles resulting from sun damage. The procedure effectively diminishes the appearance of acne scars, age spots, freckles, dark patches, melasma, and dark spots.

Side effects

  • Redness and swelling.
  • Can leave scars.
  • Skin can get darker than usual (hyperpigmentation) or lighter than usual (hypopigmentation).
  • A chemical peel can cause a bacterial, fungal, or viral illness.

Final words

No matter how long you’ve wanted to try the best chemical peel treatment in Hyderabad or how recently you learned about it, it’s important to talk to your doctor about your choices to find the right treatment for you.

Depending on what needs to be fixed, you may need a light, medium, or deep peel. Chemical peels are a great addition to some skincare routines, and they can help you get the results you want faster than if you just did things at home.

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